I try to add Sharepoint List Filter Web Part to page.

I'm not sure if it is Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.WebControls.SpListFilterWebPart. How to add it to the page and configure?


        SpListFilterWebPart listfilter = new SpListFilterWebPart();
        listfilter.ListUrl = web.ServerRelativeUrl + "/StatisticsFiles";
        listfilter.ValueFieldGuid = fields.GetFieldByInternalName("ID").Id;
        listfilter.DescriptionFieldGuid = fields.GetFieldByInternalName("Title").Id;
        listfilter.ViewGuid = web.Lists.TryGetList("StatisticsFiles").Views["All Items"].ID;

        wpman.AddWebPart(listfilter, "Zone3", 2);

wpman.AddWebPart(listfilter, "Zone3", 2); --> here is a mistake as listfilter is Portal.WepControl, how to add it to the collection

Thank you for help

  • Lena, try using GenericWebPart listfilterWebPart = wpman.CreateWebPart(listfilter); before wpman.AddWebPart Commented Nov 7, 2012 at 9:54

2 Answers 2


Use the following approach

1.) Create a visual webpart

2.) First add the following on the .ascx page

Code for .ascx page

<SharePoint:ListViewByQuery runat="server" ID="customlistview" /> 

3.)Add the following code to query your list(assuming you have created the site and web objects)

Code for .ascx.cs page

 SPList list = web.Lists.TryGetList("list_name");
 customlistview.List = list;
 SPQuery query = new SPQuery(customlistview.List.DefaultView);
 query.Query = "<Where>....Use your filtering query here.....</Where>";
 customlistview.Query = query;

Basically if this is an OOTB webpart or a web part which you created, you have to create an instance of it in your code.

Then you have to add this instactance to a webpart collection in a webpart manager on the page.

Check this link out

  • Thank you fo answer. I have updated the question according to your answer. Check it, please.
    – Lena
    Commented Nov 7, 2012 at 7:55

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