I try to add Sharepoint List Filter Web Part to page.
I'm not sure if it is Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.WebControls.SpListFilterWebPart. How to add it to the page and configure?
SpListFilterWebPart listfilter = new SpListFilterWebPart();
listfilter.ListUrl = web.ServerRelativeUrl + "/StatisticsFiles";
listfilter.ValueFieldGuid = fields.GetFieldByInternalName("ID").Id;
listfilter.DescriptionFieldGuid = fields.GetFieldByInternalName("Title").Id;
listfilter.ViewGuid = web.Lists.TryGetList("StatisticsFiles").Views["All Items"].ID;
wpman.AddWebPart(listfilter, "Zone3", 2);
wpman.AddWebPart(listfilter, "Zone3", 2); --> here is a mistake as listfilter is Portal.WepControl, how to add it to the collection
Thank you for help
GenericWebPart listfilterWebPart = wpman.CreateWebPart(listfilter);