I have a multiselect person column, and need each record not just to display the users name, but also their job title in brackets, preferably deliniated by a new line.
So far, I have the following JSON:
"elmType": "div",
{"elmType": "div",
"forEach": "person in @currentField",
"txtContent": "[email protected] + ' (' + @currentField.jobTitle + ')'"
My outputs are containing the name and title of all entries and in the wrong order, i.e.
"John Doe; Jane Doe (John Does jobTitle; Jane Does jobTitle)"
Im trying to get it to output:
"John Doe (John Does jobTitle); Jane Doe (Jane Does jobTitle)
At first it was returning nothing until i figured out that forEach doesnt work on the root. But now I cant figure out where im going wrong in the formatting....please help!