I have below scripts to import a CSV file into SharePoint list. I found the scripts from this link https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/auto-sync-external-data-native-sharepoint-list-lukasz-latynski i made minor changes to help compare list items with the CSV file but everything else is the same.
The scripts run fine when adding new item. i can run the scripts to add for example 17000 items and it is complete within 3hours. However, it is taking a long time when updating an existing item. last week, i was trying to import a CSV file with about 8000 items which already exist in SharePoint and it took about 24hours to update 8000 items.
Is there a way to make the scripts update the list items faster?
Here is the current scripts i'm using:
#Setup the correct modules for SharePoint Manipulation
if ( (Get-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null )
Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
function Update-SPList()
$host.Runspace.ThreadOptions = "ReuseThread"
#Import to destination list
#This section of the PowerShell will loop through the csv file we created, compare the inventory list and add new item if it didn't exist.
$csvVariable= Import-CSV -path "C:\ServerScripts\excell.csv"
# Destination site collection
$WebURL = "https://sharepointsite"
# Destination list name
$listName = "SharePoint List"
#Get the SPWeb object and save it to a variable
$webDestination = Get-SPWeb -identity $WebURL
#Get the SPList object to retrieve the list
$list = $webDestination.Lists[$listName]
#Get all items in this list and save them to a variable
$items = $list.items
#loop through csv file
foreach($row in $csvVariable)
#set variable for adding new items
$added = 0
#set variables for specifying a query needed for updating items
$spQuery = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPQuery
$camlQuery = '<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name="Employee ID" /><Value Type="Text">'+ $row."Employee ID" +'</Value></Eq></Where>'
$spQuery.Query = $camlQuery
$listItems = $list.GetItems($spQuery)
$updateitem = $list.Items | Where { $_["Employee ID"] -eq $row."Employee ID" }
#loop through SharePoint list
foreach($item in $items)
#check if item exists
if($item["Employee ID"] -eq $row."Employee ID")
#Write-Host "Item already on the list" -ForegroundColor Green
#add new item if item does not exist
if($added -eq 0)
###Write-Host "Adding a new item" -ForegroundColor Green
write-output $row."Employee ID" | Add-Content "C:\ServerScripts\Logs\Addeditems.txt"
$newItem = $list.items.Add()
$newItem["Employee ID"] = $row."Employee ID".ToString()
$newItem["Employee Name"] = $row."Employee name".ToString()
$newItem["Employee Phone"] = $row."Employee Phone".ToString()
$newItem["Team"] = $row."Team".ToString()
$newItem["Employee Location"] = $row."Employee Location".ToString()
$newItem["Employee Address"] = $row."Employee Address".ToString()
#check if "Employee ID" in CSV is equals "Employee ID" column in SharePoint list- item needs to be updated
elseif ($updateitem["Employee ID"] -eq $row."Employee ID")
###Write-Host "Updating" $updateitem["Employee ID"] -ForegroundColor Yellow
write-output $updateitem["Employee ID"] | Add-Content "C:\ServerScripts\\Logs\updateditems.txt"
#$updateitem["Employee Phone"] = $row."Employee Phone".ToString()
$updateitem["Employee Address"] = $row."Employee Address".ToString()
$updateitem["Employee Team"] = $row."Employee Team".ToString()
$updateitem["Employee Location"] = $row."Employee Location".ToString()
#otherwise no update needed
elseif ($updateitem["Employee ID"] -ne $row."Employee ID")
Write-Host "No need to update" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
#dispose of SPWeb variable
if ($webDestination)