whenever i want to start developing my first sharepoint app (add-in), i got confused on the terminologies which are used in the App world mainly :-
App Web
Host Web
App Catalog.
and most of the documentation i find mention something as follow:-
- App web is where the app is deployed
- Host web is where the app is installed
which leave my in another question what is meant by app deploy and app install.
now the way i understand things after reading multiple documentations, is as follow:-
- as a developer i create let say a sharepoint host app named AppABC, using visual studio. and i generate a .wsp file.
- I will create a special site collection named App Catalog, which is where the app can be installed from (similar to apple app store , etc).
- then i will install/deploy/upload the .wsp file which represents the App to the app catalog. so now the app can be used inside the site collections
- now let say i went to my normal "Team Site" >> "Site content" >> "add app">>"select my AppABC" from the app catalog.
- then i can install the app.
- then a new sub-site will be created automatically after installing the app which is the app web.
so now if i understand things correctly. the app catalog is the internal marketplace for my app. and the app web is the sub-site which will be created automatically after installing the app from the app catalog site collection.. so what is the host web then ? and is my above 6 points are valid ?