I know that, as a general rule, metadata should be used rather than folders in SharePoint. However, I haven't found anything that discusses the benefits of metadata over folders when it comes to finding files using CSOM.

I have a library that stores files that are associated with a non-SharePoint web form that pertains to customer feedback. I only need to find the existing files for a specific customer, or add new files for that customer.

If I have a library with 5000 files, and I want to find all files where Company = "Some Value", the inspection (either in C# or in SharePoint as it implements CAML filters) must iterate over all 5000 files in the library to find the result set.

If, however, I structure the files so that there is a folder for each company, then I can easily find all files where Company = "Some Value" by setting the FolderServerRelativeUrl and returning all the items the folder contains.

public void DisplaySharepointFiles(string folderUrl = null, int parentFolderId = 0, int level = 0)
    var sourceList = ClientContext.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(DocumentLibrary.Title);

    if (folderUrl != null)
        Query.FolderServerRelativeUrl = folderUrl;
    ListItemCollection items = sourceList.GetItems(Query);

    List<SharepointItem> folderList = new List<SharepointItem>();

    foreach (var item in items)
        var spItem = CreateSharepointItem(item, parentFolderId, level);
        if (spItem.IsFolder)
    //do some unrelated stuff

    //subfolders & files
    foreach (var sItem in folderList)
        DisplaySharepointFiles(sItem.ItemPath, sItem.Id, level + 1);


In light of my use case, are there benefits to avoiding folders and using metadata for locating specific files in a library using CSOM, or are folders less expensive in terms of performance?

1 Answer 1


As a high-level thinking on algorithms, the deeper the tree is, the longer the crawling algorithm is expected to run at least when compared to one-dimensional structure. If you know the "Company" as in your case, sure you can narrow the crawled content, but wouldn't the same apply if it's just a metadata, which can also be fetched with CSOM?

  • I was thinking in terms of objects that must be inspected. I believe (and correct me if I'm wrong), using FolderServerRelativeUrl eliminates the need to inspect any objects. I immediately know that everything below that "node" is what I want to display. If I don't set FolderServerRelativeUrl, all objects must be inspected to determine whether Company metadata = "Some Value". Or is my impression incorrect? Commented Nov 1, 2016 at 15:18
  • 1
    @devlincarnate I see what are after. Unfortunately I can't tell the truth basing it on any citation at least. It seems to come down to the point whether the complexity of getting the folder by its name + returning all results is more effective than crawling a source where the items match a certain metadata. The complexity levels shouldn't be equal, so there's might be a point where one is faster and on another one slower. Probably to find the answer to your case, you'd need to do tests with both setups.
    – moe
    Commented Nov 2, 2016 at 6:26

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