I am developing master page. I don't want to show top ribbon and left navigation menu to user.

So I am hiding it using css

#s4-leftpanel,#s4-ribbonrow {
 display:none !important;

The challenge I am facing is if I keep this css in master page. I am not able to create pages easily. Also not able to access ribbon.

So I created master page with both visible and created a page layout based on master page. and added this css to it. But again the same problem.

I need to make sure I can add webparts to any pages I create using the ribbon and access the left navigation. but not the users.

Any Suggestions?

  • well, you could add a little bit of javascript at the bottom of the master page to display the ribbon and leftpanel if the current user is some administrative account? something like if(_spPageContextInfo.userLoginName == "<adminLoginNamehere>"){$("#s4-ribbonrow).show();} maybe
    – garglblarg
    Commented Jul 19, 2016 at 10:41
  • you can check edit mode but it only covers adding webparts I guess, sharepoint.stackexchange.com/questions/12792/… Commented Jul 19, 2016 at 10:53
  • @TiagoDuarte I am more worried about editing/removing existing webparts as well. You think this will work with it?
    – Gaurravs
    Commented Jul 19, 2016 at 11:04
  • @garglblarg Can we do it group specific instead of user specific?
    – Gaurravs
    Commented Jul 19, 2016 at 11:06
  • @Gaurravs i guess so, see this thread regarding group membership checking: stackoverflow.com/a/22126724/2608528
    – garglblarg
    Commented Jul 19, 2016 at 11:15

1 Answer 1


You can try to validate if the page is in edit mode.

But since you'd rather be able to still see everything as an elevated user, perhaps using SPSecurityTrimmedControl is a better choice.

/*hide stuff from users*/
#s4-leftpanel,#s4-ribbonrow {
 display:none !important;

<Sharepoint:SPSecurityTrimmedControl runat="server" PermissionsString="FullMask">
/*show stuff for full control users*/
#s4-leftpanel,#s4-ribbonrow {
block !important;

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