I want to check my url to have a source and redirect to it.

I have a button for add a ListItem, i want where doesn't have a source in URL the page refresh, where have a source in URL --> redirect me to the source..

This is my URL :


code redirect me to


I want to redirect me to Source=http%3A%2F%2Fsf%2Dspsdev02%2FTestSite%2FLists%2FlinkBi%2FAllItems%2Easpx

  • Please add some of more details as it is unclear what are you trying which methodology you want to apply. Commented May 31, 2016 at 7:32
  • I added more details.
    – Goshky
    Commented May 31, 2016 at 7:40

2 Answers 2


To go more precise I would like to code it in following manner.

if (Request.QueryString.Count > 0) {

    string urlSource = Request.QueryString["Source"];

    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(urlSource))
        int pos = urlSource.LastIndexOf(@"/");
        String newUrl = urlSource.Substring(0, pos + 1) + "/AllItems.aspx";
        SPUtility.Redirect(newUrl, SPRedirectFlags.Default, HttpContext.Current);

If I understood you correctly, then following is your requirement.

  1. Checking whether Source exists in query string or not
  2. If it exists, then redirect to that URL


string source = Request.QueryString["Source"];

if (source != "")
   SPUtility.Redirect(source, SPRedirectFlags.Default, HttpContext.Current);

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