I Created a VS 2010 project with a custom workflow activity and I wish to deploy that to the server. My development machine does not have SharePoint installed, so I decided to use WSP Builder. I haven't used it in over a year so I'm not sure if I'm doing things correctly.
- I added a the following folder hierarchy to my project: TEMPLATE\FEATURES\FeatureName\ActivityName
- I added a feature file: TEMPLATE\FEATURES\FeatureName\Feature.xml
- I added a activity element file: TEMPLATE\FEATURES\FeatureName\ActivityName\Elements.xml
- I added a class file for my custom activity
- I signed the project and compiled it
- I right-clicked the project and built the package from WSP Builder menu
The following are the contents of the xml files:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Feature Id="1D271C8B-6747-45C4-9590-2CF96CFC4F93"
Title="Feature Name"
Description="Feature Description"
<ElementManifest Location="ActivityName\Elements.xml"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Elements xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/">
<Action Name="My custom activity"
Assembly="SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b31fc0364fa5f62c"
Category="Custom Activities"
<RuleDesigner Sentence="Update web service at address %1 with value %2">
<FieldBind Field="Address" Text="Address" Id="1" DesignerType="TextArea" />
<FieldBind Field="StatusId" Text="Status Id" Id="2" DesignerType="TextBox" />
<Parameter Name="Address" Type="System.String, mscorlib" Direction="In" DesignerType="Stringbuilder" Description="Web service address" />
<Parameter Name="StatusId" Type="System.String, mscorlib" Direction="In" />
<Parameter Name="__Context" Type="Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowActions.WorkflowContext, Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowActions" Direction="In" DesignerType="Hide" />
Unfortunately, when I deploy the wsp, I do not see my custom action in SharePoint Designer.
Where could I have gone wrong?