Auditing and Tracking who has opened/ deleted/ edited, etc. a document in SharePoint 2010 Library along with the Timestamp.
Setting up the auditing
- Before auditing, the Reporting feature under Site Collection Feature should be activated.
Under Site Actions -> Site Settings -> Site Collection Administration
-> Site Collection Features -> Reporting
- If you cannot find the Site collection policies option under Site Settings ->Site Collection Administration then you must enable the Library and Folder Based Retention Feature.
Under Site Actions -> Site Settings -> Site Collection Administration
-> Site Collection Features -> Library and Folder Based Retention
- To start tracking who and when has viewed / downloaded, etc.., the documents, first you have to create a Site Collection Policy as mentioned below.
Site Actions -> Site Settings -> Site Collection Policies
Create new policy -> Provide Name and check the box for Enable
Select Events you would like to audit -> Click OK
- Then, you have to setup the Document Library / List that you would like to audit
Set up the Document Library / List which requires auditing. Go to List
Settings or Library Settings of the List / Document Library you would
like to audit.
Click on Information Management Policy Settings.
Select the content type that you want to set the policy for auditing.
Under use site collection policy of that particular content type,
select the policy you had defined in first step and click OK.
Note: That’s it - from this point your library / list is set for auditing - any actions will be logged.
To view the results
Go to Site Actions -> Site Settings - > Site Collection Administration
->Audit log Reports.
Under Custom Reports click on "Run a custom report". However you can
use other reports also based on your requirement.
Select checkbox "Restrict this Report to" and select corresponding web
application and List / Library name.
You can select various filters (start date, end date, users), though
these are optional but it’s better to use them as they improve the
report performance.
Select the events you would like to see the report for and click ok
Note: Go to the specified location used for saving the report and view the Audit report.