I have created a custom action in welcome menu box like this:
Id ="CustomMenu_UserSettings"
Title="User Settings"
Description="User location and department preferences"
<UrlAction Url="javascript:OpenPopUpPageWithTitle('{SiteUrl}/Pages/EdwUserSettings.aspx?IsDlg=1',RefreshOnDialogClose,500,400,'User Settings')"/>
and it is working fine. But the problem is :
Recently when we are migrating site pages using CMP files, we didnot set this property : settings.IncludeUserCustomAction = SPIncludeUserCustomAction.None;
because of which it create duplicated custom actions.
Now even if we retract the solution from site, still these custom actions are coming. How to remove this?
I have tried :
1. HideCustomAction
<HideCustomAction Id="hideUserSettings"
Location="Microsoft.SharePoint.StandardMenu" />
FarmAdminTool from codeplex
Tried Powershell to see if it is hidden, its name didnot list at all :
Get-SPFeature -Site http://sitecollectionurl | Sort DisplayName | FT DisplayName
Nothing helped.
Still these duplicates are coming(below snapshot).
Please suggest some ideas/links.