Need to get the value of a lookup column and pass it to a child list display in a new page Use SP Services? has this ever been done not finding any info. Thank you
1 Answer
Creating a SharePoint Parent/Child List Relationship–No SPD Version
The blog post explains the following in short:
1) Edit the default Display Form for the Issue list
a. Add Time list to the page
b. Set up web part connection between the Issue Display Form and the Time list
c. Write a script that overwrites the “Add new item” link and passes in the Issue’s ID as a Query String parameter2) Modify the default New Item Form for the Time list and add a script that:
a) Sets the value of the IssueID lookup field
b) hides the “Issue ID” field to stop meddling users and their darn dogs from changing it
Yes, already have that, issue is I am using Parent, child , grandchild. In the Parent I have user lookup fields and need to pass that value from the Parent to the Grandchild display page.– Brian KCommented Nov 19, 2014 at 16:52
Tried using this method, issue is it only pulls the query string and not the user record. Any ideas how this could be done?– Brian KCommented Nov 20, 2014 at 15:33
Once you get the query string you can use SPServices/JSOM to query the record on page load. Commented Nov 20, 2014 at 20:23
Yes, understood but the ID in the string is the ID of the child list not the Parent, remember I am using Parent Child Grandchild relationships– Brian KCommented Nov 21, 2014 at 19:31