I have been advised by our infrastructure team (that does not do any of the SharePoint administration) that they will be installing anti-virus software on both the test and production environments of my new SharePoint 2013 farm. They have asked me to determine if there are any issues with anti-virus software and SharePoint. I found the article below which indicates that this can be a bit of an issue if the particular AV software does not support the AV API for SharePoint. It looks like there are only a couple that do (according to the list in the article below).


I had read somewhere that Microsoft was dropping Forefront for SharePoint Portal servers which doesn't leave a whole lot of options if it's true.

Does anyone have any guidance on this issue?

1 Answer 1


Installing the AV on the server cause some performance issue and some time access denied when AV scanning the files in 14/15 hives and user trying to access it, will get access denied.

You have to make sure you exclude certain folder from the AV virus.Check the this KB for more details about the folder list.

also check this post, may guide you more. http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/bab1a929-d98e-40a8-9a85-5ccc0177f3cc/onprem-antivirus-solution-for-sharepoint-2013?forum=sharepointgeneral

  • Thank you so much Waqas. This is exactly the type of feedback I was hoping to get. I'm going to mark this as the answer so you get the credit for it even though I hope others respond as well.
    – dscarr
    Commented Jul 10, 2014 at 19:33

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