I need to make the action of clicking on the title of a list item open the edit form, and not the view form. To do this I chose to use CSR.
I have the following code:
(function () {
var statusFieldCtx = {};
statusFieldCtx.Templates = {};
statusFieldCtx.Templates.Fields = {
"Title": {"View": DataFieldViewTemplate},
function DataFieldViewTemplate(ctx) {
var data = ctx.CurrentItem.Title;
But I see nothing in the browser console. If I change the code, this works, but the title column does not exist.
Here is my edited code:
(function () {
var statusFieldCtx = {};
statusFieldCtx.Templates = {};
statusFieldCtx.Templates.Fields = {
"dt_x0020_proximo_x0020_contato": {"View": DataFieldViewTemplate},
function DataFieldViewTemplate(ctx) {
var data = ctx;
My questions are: Is there any error in my code? Can I do what I want in a different way?