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I need a REST query to get field values in a SharePoint list. Internal name of the List is People and it has Id, Title, ShortName and Age columns. So REST Query is

_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('People')/items?select = Id,Title,ShortName,Age

There is a requirement to get ShortName as Name. Is there any equivalent Alias to query like

ShortName as Name

So full query is looks like,

_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('People')/items?select = Id,Title,ShortName as Name,Age

Applying name after retrieval is not an option. I need a "REST" solution and need to know whether this is capable or not with just a REST Query.

I need a REST query to get field values in a SharePoint list. Internal name of the List is People and it has Id, Title, ShortName and Age columns. So REST Query is

_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('People')/items?select = Id,Title,ShortName,Age

There is a requirement to get ShortName as Name. Is there any equivalent Alias to query like

ShortName as Name

So full query is looks like,

_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('People')/items?select = Id,Title,ShortName as Name,Age

Applying name after retrieval is not an option.

I need a REST query to get field values in a SharePoint list. Internal name of the List is People and it has Id, Title, ShortName and Age columns. So REST Query is

_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('People')/items?select = Id,Title,ShortName,Age

There is a requirement to get ShortName as Name. Is there any equivalent Alias to query like

ShortName as Name

So full query is looks like,

_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('People')/items?select = Id,Title,ShortName as Name,Age

Applying name after retrieval is not an option. I need a "REST" solution and need to know whether this is capable or not with just a REST Query.

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How to add aliases in SharePoint rest query?

I need a REST query to get field values in a SharePoint list. Internal name of the List is People and it has Id, Title, ShortName and Age columns. So REST Query is

_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('People')/items?select = Id,Title,ShortName,Age

There is a requirement to get ShortName as Name. Is there any equivalent Alias to query like

ShortName as Name

So full query is looks like,

_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('People')/items?select = Id,Title,ShortName as Name,Age

Applying name after retrieval is not an option.