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Questions tagged [infrastructure]

The underlying foundation elements that support the platform as a whole.

6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Running SharePoint 2010 on SQL Server 2014 with Compatibility Level 110?

Can anyone confirm if it is supported to run SharePoint 2010 on SQL Server 2014 with Compatibility Level 110? Have seen SQL Server 2014 and SharePoint 2010 is not a supported combination, but not ...
flalar's user avatar
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Doubts on SP infrastructure

My client has 2 WFEs. I have seen that the web applications and sites that I create in 1 server are mirrored in another server. But if I try to access sites under those web apps from another wfe using ...
Akhoy's user avatar
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Learning SharePoint Infrastructure

Im learning SP and i would be so glad, if you could help me. I got a couple of questions, so if you please could answer them and teach me. 1)How does AD DS work together with SP? Is it only because, ...
Ronnie's user avatar
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Create new home site and demote current to a subsite

I am using Sharepoint 2010 foundation. I started by creating several sites from a main site. Call It technicalhome. I now have to demote this home so I can now have finance home, HRhome etc all sites ...
user15858's user avatar
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Organization Concept Design

Say I have an organization structured like so... -- Root Host ---- Group A ------ Project of A as P1 --------- Sub Project of P1 as SP1 ----------- Sub Project of SP1 as SSP1 ----------- Sub ...
Scott Mitchell's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2010 and SQL server 2012 in separate servers, need to use powerview

I am trying to setup a reporting environment and would like to use powerview features. Can someone let me know if this will work? Install sharepoint 2010 in a separate web server Install SQL server ...
myquery's user avatar