Following PS script should help:
#Get site object and specify name of the library to look for in each site
$site = Get-SPSite http://portal
$lookForList = "ABC"
#Walk through each site and change content types on the list specified
$siteA = $site.OpenWeb("http://portal/sites/A")
write-host "Checking site:" $siteA.Title
#Make sure content types are allowed on the list specified
$docLibrary = $siteA.Lists[$lookForList]
if ($docLibrary -ne $null)
$docLibrary.ContentTypesEnabled = $true
#Add site content types to the list
$ctToAdd = $siteA.ContentTypes["XYZ"]
$ct = $docLibrary.ContentTypes.Add($ctToAdd)
write-host "Content type" $ct.Name "added to list" $docLibrary.Title
write-host "The list" $lookForList "does not exist in site" $siteA.Title
#Dispose of the site object
But you should check the error you get when you navigate to Add from existing content type.. Get the correlation and check the exact error in ULS logs