Why after a retract the feature remain in Feature Management Page (WEB context)?
ps. the directory on /TEMPLATES/{feature} is not there.
Why after a retract the feature remain in Feature Management Page (WEB context)?
ps. the directory on /TEMPLATES/{feature} is not there.
lets explain what you did! you had a feature that was built within a wsp, you deployed the wsp to a webapp and then activated the feature... you then decide to remove the wsp but forgot to deactivate the feature leaving you in the position that your currently in!
next time deactivate the feature before removing the wsp, once you remove the wsp it removes the files from the hive folder!
stsadm –o deactivatefeature –id FeatureGuidGoesHere -url http://moss-1/sitedirectory/team -force
stsadm –o uninstallfeature –id FeatureGuidGoesHere -force
this will remove the feature regardless!
you could reload wsp and feature (needs to be same name and guid and version number) but you need to use the force attribute to add it back in and do the method above to remove it. using the -force when adding is needed as it would say it already exists but infact it doesnt!
the reason it shows that it exists in your webapp, its still displayed within the sql database table of dbo.Features that has the site id, feature id, web id ect...
before anyone complains that its 2010 and this is stsadm, yes we have powershell for 2010 but you can also use stsadm in 2010. im using stsadm because of the force attribute!