I have a list of tickets and there age:
|---Ticket ID---|---Age (days)---|
|--- WO#12 ---|-------- 35 -------|
|--- WO#13 ---|-------- 70 -------|
|--- WO#14 ---|-------- 99 -------|
I need to create a list view that will display the data like this:
|---Ticket Age---|---Ticket Count---|
|--- > 30 days ---|--(count here) ---|
|--- > 60 days ---|--(count here) ---|
|--- > 90 days ---|--(count here) ---|
Is there any possible way to create this kind of view? I want to count the number of tickets greater than 30 days old, greater than 60, and greater than 90. I have been searching for hours and I can't find any way possible. I need this to also be used as a data source for a chart.