I have a new sharepoint 2010 install, setup on two virtual machines (one a web frontend, the other sql). Virtualization is microsoft hyper-v. Both VMs have 8GB RAM and 4 cpu cores. The VM host isn't oversubscribed, so I don't think that it's slow just from being in the virtual machine.
I expect the first few page loads of the day to be excruciating slow, since I'm the only one accessing it at the moment and IIS has to fire up its application pools and such.
However, even after that is done, some parts are just SLOW.
One particular part I've noticed is always an issue is editing the user property fields in the user profile service - I see 2-5 minute load times getting to the page to edit a property, and another 2-5 minutes saving it - sometimes it just times out entirely. It's taken me all day to edit a dozen fields!
Is this part of central administration normally slow?
How do I go about finding what is causing it to be slow? While the slow pages are loading I see w3wp.exe taking up 25% cpu time (100% of one core), and around 400MB of memory.
I don't know at what layer the slowdown is happening. What diagnostics can I do to find out whether the slowdown is happening in sharepoint, IIS, the SQL server, the network, the disk subsystem, the virtual machine, etc?