I am new to SharePoint and I find this product more for document management, workflows, collaboration sort of things and learned the basics concepts of site management.
Now I wanna move on to the development area and prepared my machine with the following.
- Configured MOSS 2007 (Enterprise)
- Installed SQLServer 2005 (Standard Edition)
- Installed Visual Studio 2008
- Installed Enterprise Library 4.1
- Installed WSPBuilder from codeplex
Now my background is Web Application developer and developed different database applications for telecom industry and ERP related modules and want a clue that how to develop applications using Visual Studio and ASP.NET target for MOSS (2007) what kinda typical applications I can develop for MOSS and to start with what should I do first I mean my first assignment to get acquainted with the development and see the result on a SharePoint site.
Please guide me.