I need to integrate one External SSO aunthentication provider with SharePoint 2010. For what I see I need to integrate it with FBA (Please correct me if I'm wrong).
Functional Description:
1 -User go to the external SSO login page (provided by the external authentication provider); 2 - User login, and is redirected to one page where he have a list with the applications he have permission to access; 3 - User selects the SharePoint 2010 Web Application link, and is redirected to the SharePoint 2010 Web Application (The external SSO creates one cookie in user machine with some user information);
Expected behavior:
User is automatically authenticated to the sharepoint 2010.
My issue is to implement this design, I don't know how I tell to sharepoint to get the cookie user information (No problem to code some method to get user info from the cookie), and I also don't know how to make the authentication without pass by the .
Any Idea?