Here is my problem.
When I set up the portal the requirement was simple - just one site collection. I set up the site collection under the root and added some variations. Looks something like http://portal/.
Now the requirements have changed. A mobile site is needed and our solution is to have a dummy site which tests for a mobile client and performs a redirect to either the mobile site collection or the original non-mobile collection. This redirect site ought to be directly under the root but the root is already occupied.
The redirect and the mobile site must be open for anonymous access, the standard site is only for authenticated users.
My question: how can I move the root site with its variations to a new location e.g. http:/portal/sites/standard?
The end result should be something like this:
http://portal/ (redirects to appropriate sub site)
http://portal/sites/standard (contains standard browser content)
http://portal/sites/mobile (contains mobile browser content)