I have the following "base" query:

            <FieldRef Name='Field1' />
            <Value Type='Boolean'>1</Value>
               <FieldRef Name='Field 2' />
               <Value Type='Text'>TextQuery</Value>
      <FieldRef Name='OrderField' Ascending='True' />

I would like to be able to dynamically add And blocks based on whether drop down boxes have a selected value. Example:

 strQuery = "";

 if (ddlNewField.SelectedIndex != 0)
   strQuery += "<And>...</And>";

The strQuery value would then be concatenated somewhere in the base query.

It obviously doesn't work. After a google search it looks like blocks need to be paired with only one other value or And block. I'm currently having coders-block.

How can I accomplish this?

Thanks in advance.

edit: I can change the base query if necessary

2 Answers 2


I've done similar like

string baseQry = "<and><eq>...</eq><eq>...</eq></and>"
string finalQry = baseQry;

and then if selected index is not 0, or wherever you want to add it

finalQry = "<and>" + finalQry + "<eq>new one here</eq></and>"

And running the above code will continually build out the statement. When you're ready to use it, add the where and orderby

finalQry = "<where>" + finalQry + "</where><orderby>...</orderby>"


  • That definitely works, thanks. Now I'm trying to figure out why the query doesn't refine the gridview I'm attaching the data set to.
    – David King
    Commented Dec 27, 2011 at 18:30
  • Almost, but this requires that baseQry exists, so requires minimum of two values. Still good start on the topic.
    – Jussi Palo
    Commented May 16, 2012 at 9:33

There's a couple of of posts here and here but I've added support for the <In> query if more than one value for the same field is specified (hence why I don't use a Dictionary pair). My code currently only supports Text fields and doesn't support <Or>. Others have mentioned the REST API as an alternative approach.

Code - you can run this in LINQPad:

void Main()
    var fieldValues = new List<FieldValue>();
    fieldValues.Add(new FieldValue("Completed", "No"));
    fieldValues.Add(new FieldValue("Completed", "Yes"));
    fieldValues.Add(new FieldValue("Alice", "1"));
    fieldValues.Add(new FieldValue("Bob", "2"));
    fieldValues.Add(new FieldValue("Charlie", "3"));


private const string CamlWhereEq = "<Eq><FieldRef Name='{0}' />{1}</Eq>";
private const string CamlWhereIn = "<In><FieldRef Name='{0}' /><Values>{1}</Values></In>";
private const string CamlValueText = "<Value Type='Text'>{0}</Value>";
private const string CamlAndOpen = "<And>{0}";
private const string CamlAndClose = "</And>";

public string ToCaml(List<FieldValue> fieldValues)
    string result = string.Empty;
    StringBuilder sbResult = new StringBuilder();   
    if (fieldValues.Count > 0)
        if (fieldValues.Count == 1)
            sbResult.AppendFormat(CamlWhereEq, fieldValues[0].Field, string.Format(CamlValueText, fieldValues[0].Value));
            // Check for duplicates 
            var groupedByField = from a in fieldValues
            group a by a.Field into g
            where g.Count() > 1
            select new { Key = g.Key, Item = g };

            var whereFilters = new List<string>();
            var otherFields = new List<FieldValue>();
            if (groupedByField.Count() > 0)
                // Build "IN" query where multiple values specified             
                var groupedByFieldNames = groupedByField.Select(g => g.Key).ToList();                                                   
                otherFields = fieldValues.Where(a => !groupedByFieldNames.Contains(a.Field)).ToList();

                foreach (var g in groupedByField)
                    StringBuilder sbFieldValues = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (var i in g.Item)
                        sbFieldValues.AppendFormat(CamlValueText, i.Value);

                    whereFilters.Add(string.Format(CamlWhereIn, g.Key, sbFieldValues.ToString()));
                otherFields = fieldValues;

            foreach (var otherField in otherFields)
                whereFilters.Add(string.Format(CamlWhereEq, otherField.Field, string.Format(CamlValueText, otherField.Value)));

            if (whereFilters.Count == 1)
                sbResult.AppendFormat(CamlAndOpen + CamlAndClose, whereFilters[0]);
                sbResult.AppendFormat(CamlAndOpen + CamlAndClose, whereFilters[0] + whereFilters[1]);               
                for (int i = 2;i < whereFilters.Count;i++)
                    sbResult.Insert(0, string.Format(CamlAndOpen, whereFilters[i]));

        result = sbResult.ToString();

    return result;

public class FieldValue
  public string Field { get; set; }
  public string Value { get; set; } 

  public FieldValue()

  public FieldValue(string field, string value)
    Field = field;
    Value = value;


<And><Eq><FieldRef Name='Charlie' /><Value Type='Text'>3</Value></Eq><And><Eq><FieldRef Name='Bob' /><Value Type='Text'>2</Value></Eq><And><In><FieldRef Name='Completed' /><Values><Value Type='Text'>No</Value><Value Type='Text'>Yes</Value></Values></In><Eq><FieldRef Name='Alice' /><Value Type='Text'>1</Value></Eq></And></And></And>

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