Sharepoint 2016 On Prem:
My ultimate goal is to be able to insert tags into a rich text field for use in email templates. And I need to be able to drop the tags in the exact cursor location.
I can get this to work in basic Text fields by accessing the field through the id: document.getElementById(fieldID).
But when I try the same thing with an rte field I can't seem to find the right id that will allow me to populate the field as needed.
I found a few possible id's for the field but none of them work. They return an object that is either undefined or null. This id (Body_2a4c2989-39fe-44db-a783-3559dc47ddea_$TextField_spSave
) let's me access the element but it's the hidden version so i can't manipulate it.
I tried every combination of jquery calls as well and I am able to read the text in the field, but I can't get a handle to the right object that will let me insert text in the cursor location.
The field name is 'Body'. The label is 'Body of Email'.
Any ideas on how I can get a handle to the rte object to be able to insert tags?
Thank You!
function AddTags(fieldname){
//GOAL: Insert {tags} into the cursor location of the desired field
//fieldname: Subject or Body
if(fieldname == 'Subject'){
//standard text field
var fieldID = "Subject_a4231a67-4c6e-4c42-8069-259dfa5934c4_$TextField";
var txtarea = document.getElementById(fieldID);
} else {
//fieldname = 'Body'
//Rich Text Editor field
//Possible ID's:
//var txtarea = document.getElementById('Body_2a4c2989-39fe-44db-a783-3559dc47ddea_$TextField_topDiv'); //return DIV element which is undefined
//var txtarea = document.getElementById('Body_2a4c2989-39fe-44db-a783-3559dc47ddea_$TextField_spSave'); //finds element but it's hidden so can't use
//var txtarea = document.getElementById('Body_2a4c2989-39fe-44db-a783-3559dc47ddea_$TextField_inplacerte'); //return DIV element which is undefined
var txtarea = document.getElementById('Body_2a4c2989-39fe-44db-a783-3559dc47ddea_$TextField_spSave'); //finds element but it's hidden so can't use
//-->> Failed to set the 'selectionEnd' property on 'HTMLInputElement': The input element's type ('hidden') does not support selection.
//var txtarea = $('textarea[id="Body_2a4c2989-39fe-44db-a783-3559dc47ddea_$TextField_spSave"]'); // undefined
//var txtarea = $('textarea[id="Body_2a4c2989-39fe-44db-a783-3559dc47ddea_$TextField_topDiv"]'); // undefined
//var txtarea = $('textarea[id="Body_2a4c2989-39fe-44db-a783-3559dc47ddea_$TextField_inplacerte"]'); // undefined
//var txtarea = document.getElementById('Body'); //returns null
// var comments= $('nobr:contains("Body of Email")').closest('tr').find('').html();
// alert(comments);
// return;
//var txtarea = $('nobr:contains("Body of Email")').closest('tr').find(''); //null
//This portion was found on another site and inserts [b] tags but it's close to what I need.
var start = txtarea.selectionStart;
var end = txtarea.selectionEnd;
var sel = txtarea.value.substring(start, end);
var finText = txtarea.value.substring(0, start) + '[b]' + sel + '[/b]' + txtarea.value.substring(end);
txtarea.value = finText;
txtarea.selectionEnd= end + 7;
I couldn't find a solution for this so I my workaround is to append the tag to the field.
//for rte fields we cannot insert into the cursor location; append tag to end of data
var orgval = $('nobr:contains("Body of Email")').closest('tr').find('').html();
$('nobr:contains("Body of Email")').closest('tr').find('').html(orgval+ newTag);
I have found so many solutions for this for SP 2013 that I'm starting to think that it's a bug/quirk with SP 2016.
If anybody has anymore suggestions I'd love to hear them. Thanks.