I can add new custom tiles in the app launcher now. Add tiles in the app launch

But I can't remove the current tiles like OneDrive, sites?

Is it possible to remove such tiles?


1 Answer 1


You can't remove the Newsfeed, OneDrive, Sites from custom tiles list!


Use the below CSS style to hide Newsfeed, OneDrive, Sites in App Launcher

#O365_AppTile_Newsfeed{display:none !important;} /* for newsfeed*/
#O365_AppTile_Documents{display:none !important;} /* for one drive*/
#O365_AppTile_Sites{display:none !important;} /* for sites */



enter image description here

Note: you can add the above CSS in a script editor to hide these tiles for a specific page, otherwise, you should create CSS file and attached it to the master page as mentioned at How do I hide o365 sublink in SharePoint designer?


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