So I'm trying to get value from my result sources by using a GET request but I'm having trouble iterating to the items as they are under: "PrimaryQueryResult.RelevantResults.Table.Rows"
And I don't know how to retrieve from there so that I can display them
Get request :
export interface ProjectInformations {
PrimaryQueryResult: ProjectInformation[];
public render(): void {
private _renderPersonAsync(): void {
.then((response) => {
private _getData(): Promise<ProjectInformations> {
this.context.spHttpClient.get( +
SPHttpClient.configurations.v1, {
.then((response: SPHttpClientResponse):
Promise<ProjectInformations> => {
return response.json();
Solved it by using alot of Export interfaces:
export interface ISearchResults {
PrimaryQueryResult: IPrimaryQueryResult;
export interface IPrimaryQueryResult {
RelevantResults: IRelevantResults;
export interface IRelevantResults {
Table: ITable;
export interface ITable {
Rows: Array<ICells>;
export interface ICells {
Cells: Array<ICellsValue>;
export interface ICellsValue {
Key: string;
Value: string;
ValueType: string;