Newbie here looking for advice. I've looked through a ton of items similar to this and nothing is solving my problem. Some of my jQuery is working, some is not. I assumed it was due to the order I was loading my files but nothing seems to help. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Here is the order that I've loaded my scripts (via Script Editor web part due to permission limitations)
<script src="mySite/SiteAssets/CUSTOM/JS/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="mySite/SiteAssets/CUSTOM/JS/dashProjects.js"></script>
<script src="mySite/SiteAssets/CUSTOM/JS/leftNav.js"></script>
<script src="mySite/SiteAssets/CUSTOM/JS/dashUserMain.js"></script>
Here is my jQuery:
.logoImg is referenced in my /leftNav.js file which is using CSR to render a list. The dashProjects.js file is the one where I am creating .expand. I am using REST to build some HTML and then append it to a div within another Script Editor. My jQuery file is /dashUserMain.js. Since this is loaded last, shouldn't is be availble for all elements appended to the page in the /dashProjects.js file? It isn't working for any elements created by my /dashProjects.js file! I'm sure this is something simple and stupid but I can't figure it out for the life of me! Thanks!