I have a requirement where I have to copy list items from one list to another using REST. The requirement is that the data copied from list 'A' should be 90 days older than today. So I have written it on the click function of a button. I am able to fetch the data but while creating the items in list 'B', ajax call is successful but items are not getting created in the list (it does not go into the error function).

Note: to get items I've made REST calls in batches of 5000 and pushed it into one item array, as the limit of REST calls is 5000. There is no problem in getting items, just creating new items.

The code is given below:

var TrainingReqList = "training_requests";
var ArchiveList = "Archived_training_requests";
var TrainingReqArchiveListData = [];
function onClickArchival() {
    var copyItem = {};      //array in which data fetched will be copied and this will be passed into create item function
    var toCopyCount = 0;
    getTRdata();        //funtion to get data in batches of 5000
    for (i = 0; i < TrainingReqArchiveListData.length; i++) {   //when all data is pushed into the array, conditions are invoked
        var archivedate = new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + (-90)));
        var createddate = new Date(TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]['Created']);
        if (createddate <= archivedate) {
            if (TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]['Status'].toString() != "New Request" && TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]['Status'].toString() != "Pending Agent Confirmation" && TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]['Status'].toString() != "Training Date Confirmed") {
                var created = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]['Created'];
                var modified = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]['Modified'];
                var createduserId = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]['AuthorId'];
                var modifiedUserId = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]['EditorId'];

            for (var propertyName in TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]) {
                if (TrainingReqArchiveListData[i].hasOwnProperty(propertyName)) {   //for copying the properties of list where data is fetched from
                    if (TrainingReqArchiveListData[i][propertyName] != null && TrainingReqArchiveListData[i][propertyName].hasOwnProperty('__deferred'))  //exclude deffered objects 
                    if (propertyName == 'GUID' || propertyName == 'ID' || propertyName == 'Id') {
                    if (propertyName == '__metadata') {
                        var targetItemType = "";
                        copyItem['__metadata'] = { 'type': "SP.Data.Archived_x005f_training_x005f_requestsListItem" };
            //copying data into new array from the fetched data array
            copyItem["Id"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Id"];
            copyItem["Status"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Status"];
            copyItem["send_x0020_webinar_x0020_link_x0"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["send_x0020_webinar_x0020_link_x0"];
            copyItem["Agency_x0020_Name"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Agency_x0020_Name"];
            copyItem["Agent_x0020_Phone_x0020__x0023_"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Agent_x0020_Phone_x0020__x0023_"];
            copyItem["Agency_x0020_Producer_x0020_Code"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Agency_x0020_Producer_x0020_Code"];
            copyItem["send_x0020_webinar_x0020_link_x00"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["send_x0020_webinar_x0020_link_x00"];
            copyItem["Agency_x0020_State"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Agency_x0020_State"];
            copyItem["SE_x0020_Name_x0020_Free_x0020_F"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["SE_x0020_Name_x0020_Free_x0020_F"];
            copyItem["Will_x0020_SE_x0020_be_x0020_pre"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Will_x0020_SE_x0020_be_x0020_pre"];
            copyItem["Role"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Role"];
            copyItem["Training_x0020_Topic"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Training_x0020_Topic"].results[0].toString();
            copyItem["Years_x0020_of_x0020_CL_x0020_Ex"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Years_x0020_of_x0020_CL_x0020_Ex"];
            copyItem["Years_x0020_of_x0020_Travelers_x"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Years_x0020_of_x0020_Travelers_x"];
            copyItem["Scheduling_x0020_Preference"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Scheduling_x0020_Preference"];
            copyItem["Time_x0020_Zone"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Time_x0020_Zone"];
            copyItem["Requester_x0020_Note"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Requester_x0020_Note"];
            copyItem["Date_x0020_Selection"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Date_x0020_Selection"];
            copyItem["Time_x0020_Selection"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Time_x0020_Selection"];
            copyItem["Date_x002f_Time"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Date_x002f_Time"];
            copyItem["Submitted_x0020_ById"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Submitted_x0020_ById"];
            copyItem["AAE_x0020_AssignedId"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["AAE_x0020_AssignedId"];
            copyItem["Admin_x0020_Notes"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Admin_x0020_Notes"];
            copyItem["Region"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Region"];
            copyItem["Training_x0020_Type"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Training_x0020_Type"];
            copyItem["New_x0020_Appointment"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["New_x0020_Appointment"];
            copyItem["Scheduled_x0020_Training"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Scheduled_x0020_Training"];
            copyItem["Breakout_x0020_Session_x0020_Hel"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Breakout_x0020_Session_x0020_Hel"];
            copyItem["OData__x0023__x0020_B_x002f_O_x0020_Pa"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["OData__x0023__x0020_B_x002f_O_x0020_Pa"];
            copyItem["OData__x0023__x0020_of_x0020_Participa"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["OData__x0023__x0020_of_x0020_Participa"];
            copyItem["OData__x0023__x0020_New_x0020_Users"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["OData__x0023__x0020_New_x0020_Users"];
            copyItem["secondary_x0020_training"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["secondary_x0020_training"];
            copyItem["confirmed_x0020_producer_x0020_c"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["confirmed_x0020_producer_x0020_c"];
            copyItem["Primary_x0020_TrainingTopic"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Primary_x0020_TrainingTopic"];
            copyItem["Additional_x0020_attendees"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Additional_x0020_attendees"];
            copyItem["Record_x0020_Status"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Record_x0020_Status"];
            copyItem["RequestID"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["RequestID"];
            copyItem["Created"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Created"];
            copyItem["Notes"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Notes"];
            copyItem["RequestSource"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["RequestSource"];
            copyItem["IfMulti"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["IfMulti"];
            copyItem["Modified"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Modified"];
            copyItem["AAE_x0020_Assigned"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["AAE_x0020_Assigned"];
            copyItem["Submitted_x0020_By"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Submitted_x0020_By"];
            AddListItem(ArchiveList, copyItem); //function call to create new items in Archive list
console.log('Total items in ' + TrainingReqList + ': ' + TrainingReqArchiveListData.length);
console.log('Total number of items to be archived to ' + ArchiveList + ': ' + toCopyCount);

To get data, I've used the following functions

function getTRdata() {
    var checkTopIdFilter = "?$select = Id&$orderby=Id asc&$top=1";
    var callTrainingReqListCheckTopId = GetListItems(TrainingReqList, null, checkTopIdFilter);

    $.when(callTrainingReqListCheckTopId).then(function (tData) {
        if (tData.d.results.length != 0) {
            var startId1 = tData.d.results[0].Id;
            var endId1 = startId1 + 4999;
            var startId2 = endId1 + 1;
            var endId2 = startId2 + 4999;
            var startId3 = endId2 + 1;
            var endId3 = startId3 + 4999;
            var startId4 = endId3 + 1;
            var endId4 = startId4 + 4999;

            var trFilter1 = "?$filter=((Id ge " + startId1 + ") and (Id le " + endId1 + "))&$top=5000";
            var trFilter2 = "?$filter=((Id ge " + startId2 + ") and (Id le " + endId2 + "))&$top=5000";
            var trFilter3 = "?$filter=((Id ge " + startId3 + ") and (Id le " + endId3 + "))&$top=5000";

            var callTrainingReqList1 = GetListItems(TrainingReqList, null, trFilter1);  //rest call to get data of first 5000
            var callTrainingReqList2 = GetListItems(TrainingReqList, null, trFilter2);  //rest call to get data of next 5000
            var callTrainingReqList3 = GetListItems(TrainingReqList, null, trFilter3);  //rest call to get data of next 5000

            $.when(callTrainingReqList1, callTrainingReqList2, callTrainingReqList3).then(function (trData1, trData2, trData3) {
                for (var i = 0; i < trData1[0].d.results.length; i++) {
                    var confDateTime, createdDateTime, modifiedDateTime;
                    if (trData1[0].d.results[i].Date_x002f_Time != null || trData1[0].d.results[i].Date_x002f_Time != undefined) confDateTime = new Date(trData1[0].d.results[i].Date_x002f_Time).format("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ");
                    else confDateTime = trData1[0].d.results[i].Date_x002f_Time;
                    if (trData1[0].d.results[i].Created != null || trData1[0].d.results[i].Created != undefined) createdDateTime = new Date(trData1[0].d.results[i].Created).format("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ");
                    else createdDateTime = trData1[0].d.results[i].Created;
                    if (trData1[0].d.results[i].Modified != null || trData1[0].d.results[i].Modified != undefined) modifiedDateTime = new Date(trData1[0].d.results[i].Modified).format("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ")
                    else modifiedDateTime = trData1[0].d.results[i].Modified;

                    TrainingReqArchiveListData.push(trData1[0].d.results[i]);   //pushing first 5000 data into array

                for (var i = 0; i < trData2[0].d.results.length; i++) {
                    var confDateTime, createdDateTime, modifiedDateTime;
                    if (trData2[0].d.results[i].Date_x002f_Time != null || trData2[0].d.results[i].Date_x002f_Time != undefined) confDateTime = new Date(trData2[0].d.results[i].Date_x002f_Time).format("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ");
                    else confDateTime = trData2[0].d.results[i].Date_x002f_Time;
                    if (trData2[0].d.results[i].Created != null || trData2[0].d.results[i].Created != undefined) createdDateTime = new Date(trData2[0].d.results[i].Created).format("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ");
                    else createdDateTime = trData2[0].d.results[i].Created;
                    if (trData2[0].d.results[i].Modified != null || trData2[0].d.results[i].Modified != undefined) modifiedDateTime = new Date(trData2[0].d.results[i].Modified).format("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ")
                    else modifiedDateTime = trData2[0].d.results[i].Modified;

                    TrainingReqArchiveListData.push(trData2[0].d.results[i]);   //pushing next 5000 data into array

                for (var i = 0; i < trData3[0].d.results.length; i++) {
                    var confDateTime, createdDateTime, modifiedDateTime;
                    if (trData3[0].d.results[i].Date_x002f_Time != null || trData3[0].d.results[i].Date_x002f_Time != undefined) confDateTime = new Date(trData3[0].d.results[i].Date_x002f_Time).format("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ");
                    else confDateTime = trData3[0].d.results[i].Date_x002f_Time;
                    if (trData3[0].d.results[i].Created != null || trData3[0].d.results[i].Created != undefined) createdDateTime = new Date(trData3[0].d.results[i].Created).format("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ");
                    else createdDateTime = trData3[0].d.results[i].Created;
                    if (trData3[0].d.results[i].Modified != null || trData3[0].d.results[i].Modified != undefined) modifiedDateTime = new Date(trData3[0].d.results[i].Modified).format("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ")
                    else modifiedDateTime = trData3[0].d.results[i].Modified;

                    TrainingReqArchiveListData.push(trData3[0].d.results[i]);   //pushing next 5000 data into array


function GetListItems(listName, id, filter) {
    if (id != null) { var siteURL = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('" + listName + "')/items/getbyid('" + id + "')" + filter; }
    else { var siteURL = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('" + listName + "')/items" + filter; }
    return $.ajax({
        url: siteURL,
        async: false,
        method: "GET",
        headers: { "Accept": "application/json;odata=verbose" }

To write data into new list:

function AddListItem(listname, ArchiveMetadata) {   //function to create new items in Archive list (ArchiveMetadata is passed as copyItem)
        url: _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('" + listname + "')/items",
        type: "POST",
        data: JSON.stringify(ArchiveMetadata),
        headers: {
            "Accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",
            "X-RequestDigest": $("#__REQUESTDIGEST").val(),
            "content-Type": "application/json;odata=verbose"
        success: function (data) {
            console.log("Item Id: " + ArchiveMetadata.Id + " copied");
        error: function (data) {
            console.log(data.statusText + " : " + data.responseText);
            console.log("Item Id: " + ArchiveMetadata.Id + " not copied");

1 Answer 1


As wht i got is you are trying to enter values in ID field which is counter which automatically gets updated by sharepoint in the below line:

Try removing this: copyItem["Id"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Id"];

  • I changed the code from copyItem["Id"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Id"]; to itemId = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["Id"]; as I have to print which Id has been copied. Then I passed itemId to 'AddListItem' function and in its success I printed console.log('Item Id:' + itemId + ' copied.'); It is printing correct, i.e. it is going in to success function, but when I check the list 'Archived_training_requests' but items are not created. Can you check? Commented Jan 11, 2017 at 9:52
  • I beleive because of this records: copyItem["OData__x0023__x0020_B_x002f_O_x0020_Pa"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["OData__x0023__x0020_B_x002f_O_x0020_Pa"]; copyItem["OData__x0023__x0020_of_x0020_Participa"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["OData__x0023__x0020_of_x0020_Participa"]; copyItem["OData__x0023__x0020_New_x0020_Users"] = TrainingReqArchiveListData[i]["OData__x0023__x0020_New_x0020_Users"];
    – Shiva
    Commented Jan 11, 2017 at 11:33
  • These columns are present in both lists when I checked on making REST calls on IE. I tried to execute after removing them but no effect I debugged on chrome initially the debugger goes out of ajax call after running it for all the items but does not go to success or fail. Then it goes out of the initial click function onClickArchival() printing the total items. Then it goes to the html file, then a file named ScriptResource.axd -> VM11097 ->jquery-1.8.0.min.js ->back to the success function in side the ajax call and starts printing the console.log('Item Id:' + itemId + ' copied.'); Commented Jan 11, 2017 at 12:01
  • Do it in batches of 99. REST handles better till 100. after than you have run looping rest query to get all records.
    – Shiva
    Commented Jan 11, 2017 at 12:09
  • Right now I'm just doing it for 12 items. And also tried for inserting just one column, commenting everything else. Commented Jan 11, 2017 at 12:11

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