Clear the second stage Recycle Bin using Powershell:
# This script will delete items from the Second Stage Recycle Bin that
# are older than XX days.
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
$i = 0
#SharePoint Site Collection URL
$url = "http://mySiteURL" # Specify SITE URL here <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
#$url = Read-Host "Enter a valid URL to a SharePoint Site Collection?"
#if($url -eq ""){write-host "No URL provided." -foregroundcolor Red; Exit}
#How many days ago should items be deleted from?
$deleteFrom = 2 #Delete From Last 2 days <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
#$deleteFrom = Read-Host "Remove items older than how many days?"
#if($deleteFrom -eq ""){write-host "No value provided." -foregroundcolor Red; Exit}
#Create report in script path
$scriptpath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$dir = Split-Path $scriptpath
$report = "$($dir)\DeletedSecondStateRecycleBinItems.csv"
#Date calculations
$dateNow = Get-Date
$dateDiff = $dateNow.AddMinutes(-$deleteFrom)
#$dateDiff = $dateNow.AddDays($deleteFrom)
#Display date/times for review in table
$table = @()
$review = New-Object System.Object
$review | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name "Date" -Value "Timestamp now"
$review | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name "Value" -Value $dateNow
$table += $review
$review = New-Object System.Object
$review | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name "Date" -Value "Files older than"
$review | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name "Value" -Value $dateDiff
$table += $review
$table | Format-Table –AutoSize
#Connect to the site
$site = Get-SPsite $url
#Report file and first row
New-Item $report -type file -Force | Out-Null
Add-Content $report "Deleted Items: $($dateNow)"
Add-Content $report "Name, Title, Deleted by, Deleted date, Path, File Guid"
#Get items from the Seconday Stage Recycle Bin (SSRB) that are older than are removel period.
$items = $site.Recyclebin | where { $_.ItemState -eq "SecondStageRecycleBin" -and $_.deleteddate -le $dateDiff}
$site.Recyclebin | where { $_.ItemState -eq "SecondStageRecycleBin" -and $_.deleteddate -le $dateDiff} | Format-Table -Property Title, Web, DeletedBy, DeletedDate -Autosize -Wrap
#Confirm there are items to delete
if($items -ne $null){
#Create prompt
$ok = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&OK","Description."
$cancel = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&CANCEL","Description."
$options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($ok, $cancel)
$title = "Confirm"; $message = "Delete items from Second Stage Recycle Bin?"
$result = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($title, $message, $options, 1)
switch ($result) {
#Get items to be deleted
$site.Recyclebin | where { $_.ItemState -eq "SecondStageRecycleBin" -and $_.deleteddate -le $dateDiff} | foreach{
#Add entry to report
Add-Content $report "$($_.LeafName),$($_.Title),$($_.deletedbyname),$($_.deleteddate),$($_.Dirname),$($_.Id)"
#Delete item by ID
write-host "$($i) items removed from Second Stage Recycle Bin."
write-host "Cancelled by user." -foregroundcolor Red
write-host "No files were found in the Second Stage Recycle Bin." -foregroundcolor Red
Source: Working with SharePoint’s Second Stage Recycle Bin in PowerShell