I am new to to Typescript, watched videos and created the sample application of client webpart using new SharePoint development framework. All sample application worked well, and using Rest Queries i was able to do some of the List operation.but now my current Project Requirement, to get the termsets values from Taxonomy and as i aware there is no Rest end points available for Termset yet.(let me know if its available.)
I followed https://github.com/gandjustas/sptypescript , for some sample to help for my requirement but with no luck yet.
followed this blog http://thecollaborationcorner.com/2016/08/31/part-4-the-navigation-implementation/#.WD622YVOKM8 . even this is specific to Navigation Termset.
Could anybody help on this, how i can get the Taxonomy termset values using new SharePoint framework.