Any ideas how to change the head background color in the left menu for all pages in SharePoint without using SharePoint designer?

Appreciate your help Thanks!

1 Answer 1


To change the background header in the left navigation try to add the following CSS to a file with CSS extension

.ms-core-listMenu-verticalBox > .ms-core-listMenu-root > LI > .ms-core-listMenu-item

background-color:lime ! important;

To apply this style for all pages within the site without SharePoint Designer

You can achieve this by setting Alternate CSS URL for a specific CSS file by doing the following :

  • Open your site> Upload the CSS file with the above style to Site assets.
  • Go to site setting > Look and Feel > Master Page > at Alternate CSS URL > Select Specify CSS file.> check reset all subsite if you need to apply all subsite below the main site.

enter image description here


enter image description here


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