In the recycle bin there are 176100 items. I have tried to remove them using PowerShell but it is unable to remove all. After sometime it stops and gives an error. Tried following PowerShell.

$WebApp=get-spwebapplication "http://xxxx:31150/"

foreach ($SPSite in $webApp.Sites)
#get the collection of webs
foreach($SPWeb in $SPSite.AllWebs)
write-host "deleting recycle bin for:"
write-host $SPWeb.title ":" $SPWeb.URL "`n"
#Empty the 1st Stage Recycle bin items PERMENANTLY

#Send the 1st Stage Recycle bin items to 2nd Stage

#Empty SharePoint site collection recycle bin (Second Stage Recycle bin) or Admin Recycle bin

write-host "Administrator Recycle bin Items Deleted for:" $SPSite.RootWeb.title "`n"

In the database there is a table called dbo.RecycleBin. So my question: Is there any risk if I delete all rows from this table?

  • Two points! (1) You never dispose the web-, or site objects which can cause PowerShell to malfunction if you have many sites. (2) Never ever change anything in a SharePoint database. You will void warranty from Microsoft, and can't get support.
    – Benny Skogberg
    Commented Nov 24, 2016 at 10:28
  • there is only one top level site. in first round loop is done. any i will try disposing objects Commented Nov 24, 2016 at 10:32

1 Answer 1


Don't touch the database, but instead of deleting items from 2nd stage Recycle Bin using PowerShell, try disabling it from Central Admin first before running the PS script:

Central Administration > Application Management > Web Application General Settings > Set Recycle Bin > Second stage Recycle Bin > OFF

Or using PS:

$WebApp.RecycleBinEnabled = $false; 
$WebApp.RecycleBinEnabled = $true; 

This should empty the recycle bin, but for more gradual deletion, you could try it like this (notice the Disposes):

$WebApp=get-spwebapplication "http://xxxx:31150/"

foreach ($SPSite in $webApp.Sites)
    #get the collection of webs
    foreach($SPWeb in $SPSite.AllWebs)
     write-host "deleting recycle bin for:"
     write-host $SPWeb.title ":" $SPWeb.URL "`n"
     #Empty the 1st Stage Recycle bin items PERMENANTLY
     #Don't think you need to call MoveAllToSecondStage() here anymore as you've just deleted all items permanently, but I could be wrong.

  • Is there any PS command for Second stage Recycle Bin > OFF Commented Nov 24, 2016 at 13:06
  • 1
    $WebApp.RecycleBinEnabled = $FALSE; $WebApp.Update(); $WebApp.RecycleBinEnabled = $TRUE;` $WebApp.Update(); Commented Nov 25, 2016 at 3:10
  • Above commands also remove all recycle bin items. Commented Nov 25, 2016 at 3:11

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