I am trying to run a CAML query to sort through some data. Once the page finishes loading i do not get the results i want. I checked the functions and it turns out that for some reason, my CAML query returns undefined. It only does this after it is passed in the set_viewXml() function. Code provided below:

var runQuery = function (dateObj, query, success, failure, context) {

   var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();

   alert(query); // shows the CAML query
   alert(camlQuery.set_viewXml(query(dateObj))); // shows me undefined


   items = list.getItems(camlQuery);


   context.executeQueryAsync(success, failure);

Here is the CAML:

"<View>" + 
   "<Query>" +
      "<Where>" + 
         "<And>" +
            "<Eq>" +
               "<FieldRef Name='EventStartDate' />" +
               "<Value Type='DateTime' IncludeTimeValue='FALSE'>" +
                  dateObj.toISOString() +
               "</Value>" +
            "</Eq>" +
            "<Eq><FieldRef Name=\"QueryID\" /><Value Type=\"Text\">2216</Value></Eq>" +
         "</And>" +
      "</Where>" +
      "<GroupBy><FieldRef Name='EventName'></FieldRef></GroupBy>"+
      "<OrderBy><FieldRef Name='EventStartDate' /><FieldRef Name='EventEndDate' /><FieldRef Name='EventName' /></OrderBy>" +
   "</Query>" +

I am pretty sure there is something wrong with the CAML query because i do not work with it on a day to day basis.

I have this code running fine in another app and when I alert(alert(camlQuery.set_viewXml(query(dateObj)));) I am able to see the full CAML query build (it does not return undefined). Not sure if that helps any.

  • Where you define this variable in your code dateObj? Commented Oct 7, 2016 at 20:11
  • It is just some other functions above where I call the runQuery function. I am able to see the date if i alert it.
    – IE5Master
    Commented Oct 7, 2016 at 20:13

2 Answers 2


I think your issue at this function query(dateObj) within alert(camlQuery.set_viewXml(query(dateObj)));

This function may be undefined or defined as var query = function (dateObj) {}. in this case, it will be undefined if you tried to call it like this query (dateObj) so try to define it as function query(dateObj) {}

Also, make sure that it's not defined at the same scope of query variable because it has the same name.

  • M.Qassas, I have tried your suggestion but when i change the function to function query(dateObj) I receive an error saying that the query function is not a function or is not defined. When i change it back i do not receive and error
    – IE5Master
    Commented Oct 11, 2016 at 14:34
  • should you share your final code , or if you can to change its name and try again , then tell me result Commented Oct 11, 2016 at 14:40

It looks as though your 'query' parameter is a variable and not a function, so query(dateObj) will not work.

create a function outside of var runQuery = function:

    var query = function(dateObj){
        return "<View>" + 
       "<Query>" +
          "<Where>" + 
             "<And>" +
                "<Eq>" +
                   "<FieldRef Name='EventStartDate' />" +
                   "<Value Type='DateTime' IncludeTimeValue='FALSE'>" +
                      dateObj.toISOString() +
                   "</Value>" +
                "</Eq>" +
                "<Eq><FieldRef Name=\"QueryID\" /><Value Type=\"Text\">2216</Value></Eq>" +
             "</And>" +
          "</Where>" +
          "<GroupBy><FieldRef Name='EventName'></FieldRef></GroupBy>"+
          "<OrderBy><FieldRef Name='EventStartDate' /><FieldRef Name='EventEndDate' /><FieldRef Name='EventName' /></OrderBy>" +
       "</Query>" +
  else {
    // return something else

then when you, remove query as a parameter to your runQuery function, and then call query(dateObj); from inside runQuery. It's important that your query function return a string that's CAML in order to set it as the viewXML properly.

You can create a more comprehensive query function to handle the proper CAML query to make it more dynamic, but for your original question, the function above should work.

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