I want to list my "Custom Action" as the first item in the "Site Action" menu, so I thought of creating a new "Custom Action Group" and inside the group, I will add my "Custom Action" using the below code in elements.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Elements xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/">

  Description = "Display the Site Owner's Name, SharePoint Group and E-mail ID"
  Id = "SiteActions1"
  Location = "Microsoft.SharePoint.StandardMenu"
  Sequence = "0"
  Title = "View Site Owner(S)">
    Title="View Site Owner"
    Description="Display the Site Owner's Name, SharePoint Group and E-mail ID." >
    <UrlAction Url="javascript:OpenPopUpPageWithTitle('{SiteUrl}/_Layouts/15/Common/SiteOwnerPage.aspx?IsDlg=1','RefreshOnDialogClose',600, 200,'View Site Owner')"/>

But for some reason, it doesn't create custom group and the custom action, so I removed the "Custom Action Group" and created a custom action with the sequence to be "0", but SharePoint for some reason it displays as the last item in the menu,

<Elements xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/">
    Title="View Site Owner"
    Description="Display the Site Owner's Name, SharePoint Group and E-mail ID." >
    <UrlAction Url="javascript:OpenPopUpPageWithTitle('{SiteUrl}/_Layouts/15/Common/SiteOwnerPage.aspx?IsDlg=1','RefreshOnDialogClose',600, 200,'View Site Owner')"/>

Is it a bug in SharePoint or is this how it works.?

1 Answer 1


I don't know if it is intended or not, but that is the way it works.

If you want to add a custom action to the site action menu on a different place then the last one. You need to follow this method. This is for sp2010.

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