As a site collection administrator, you can specify for each site collection if SPD should be enabled or not from the site collection administration page in each site collection.
So if you really have to enable SPD for just one site collection, i would use PowerShell to loop through all the site collection and disable SDP and then enable it for the single site collection where you need to use the designer.
Add-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell
$webapp = get-spwebapplication http://yourwebapplication
foreach ($site in $webapp.sites)
$site.AllowDesigner = $false
And then you can set the single site that you wanna use.
$site = get-spsite http://yoursitecollection
$site.AllowDesigner = $true
To re-enable SPD on all the site collections again, simple just run the first script again but change $false
to $true
Add-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell
$webapp = get-spwebapplication http://yourwebapplication
foreach ($site in $webapp.sites)
$site.AllowDesigner = $true