ID ContributeID Status
3 150 Pass
2 149 Fail
1 148 Pass
Above is the data in a SharePoint List.
How to retrieve the 'Status' for 'ContributeID = 149' without using 'ID'?
ID ContributeID Status
3 150 Pass
2 149 Fail
1 148 Pass
Above is the data in a SharePoint List.
How to retrieve the 'Status' for 'ContributeID = 149' without using 'ID'?
If you know the specific value of a specific field, using a CAML Query is much more direct than looping through all list items. You would end up with code along the lines of:
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(absoluteSiteUrl))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
SPList list = web.Lists["List Name"];
string queryString = "<Where><Eq>";
queryString += "<FieldRef Name='ContributeID' />";
queryString += "<Value Type='Number'>149</Value>"; // you could put any value you are looking for here
queryString += "</Eq></Where>";
SPQuery query = new SPQuery();
query.Query = queryString;
// getting items using a query will always return a collection object
SPListItemCollection resultItems = list.GetItems(query);
if (resultItems.Count > 0)
// if ContributeID is truly unique, there should be only one item in the collection
SPListItem singleItem = resultItems[0];
string status = singleItem["Status"].ToString();
See also:
Get the site collection, then the web, then the list. Then, loop through each item in the list, checking ContributeID
against the value you're looking for. There's a sample here: enter link description here
Look for the section starting with, "If you do not know either the GUID or the ID of the list item..."