We are using MOSS 2007 enterprise. Can anyone recommend a good wiki solution for us to use?

all the best

  • What are you trying to do? What type of content, how many pages/topics, and how many users? The question is pretty open ended. I think Woody did a good job giving an overview of the SharePoint wiki: endusersharepoint.com/2009/04/16/… Commented Mar 8, 2010 at 4:03

5 Answers 5


I'm lifting the answer I wrote for a similar question on Stack Overflow, since it seemed reasonably well-received there:

We run into this topic all the time, and the first question I have taken to asking people is "Why do you need a wiki"? Almost always the answers are things "ease of editing", "multiple contributors", and "Word is to heavyweight". Very rarely have we seen anyone ask for what I consider to be uniquely wiki-like features (special "magic" markup, fine grained version history showing changes, etc). Also, they usually want some kind of categorization of things, not just completely free-form pages.

In the SharePoint world these things should scream "list" at you if you've been working with the tool for a while. There is basically no particular reason to use a wiki for these knowledge base-style applications, especially since "ease of editing" usually directly conflicts with the idea of learning a special markup language for most user. Through a couple of rich-text columns in there, and you're all set. If you really don't like the built-in rich-text editor (yes the image uploading process is clunky and it doesn't work in Firefox), have someone in your organization go drop the 8 Benjamins and go get the RadEditor for SharePoint. It should pretty much handle those concerns.

Generally once we've gotten over the "but it needs to be a wiki" dogma, we've had pretty good customer reception to just using lists. In some cases, where a little more of a page templating facility was required we turned to using the WCM features of MOSS, which requires a little more up-front thought about templates, but also has a better out of the box experience for things like content snippets and image handling.


MOSS 2007 provides a WIKI template for collab portals. You can also use a WIKI page library to store your pages. If you want to enhance the usability check this site.

Try this resource http://www.bitsofsharepoint.com/Site/Wiki.aspx


Have a look at Confluence by Atlassian, it integrates with Sharepoint.

Sharepoint's wiki functionality is exceedingly dire in my opinion...

  • Amen to this. If only you didn't have to pay for Confluence on top of SharePoint. Commented Sep 6, 2019 at 16:06

Definitely depends on what your trying to do. If your trying to implement some sort of Knowledge Management requirements then the following links might help you...

Sean Wallbridge did a post a while back about using a SharePoint blog for knowledge management We use this inhouse and I much prefer what it provides than the out-of-the-box SharePoint wiki lists. Especially being able to post content directly from MS word and using live writer.

There is also the freely available Application templates, one of which is a knowledge base that uses a wiki list as its main content repository.


Take a look at this recent post regarding WiKi options for SharePoint 2010. kwizcom-wiki-plus-for-sharepoint-2010

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