[MissingSiteDefinition] 1 Sites in database [Colgate_WSS05] has reference(s) to a missing site definition, Id = [16781], Lcid = [1033]. The site definitions with Id 16781 is referenced in the database [Colgate_WSS05], but is not installed on the current farm. The missing site definition may cause upgrade to fail. Please install any solution which contains the site definition and restart upgrade if necessary.
SELECT Title, WebTemplate
FROM dbo.Webs
ORDER BY WebTemplate
This query gives me :
Title WebTemplate
Colgate Test Site 16781
Request Area 16781
FSO 16781
Now how do I go by fixing this error? The missing site definitions are old and we don't need them in SP2010, so I dont need to find the old site definition and install it in sp2010.
(Note: The migration happened before I got here so please don't lecture me. :) I just need a solution to take care of this issue)