Working with a PeoplePicker (PeopleEditor) in SharePoint 2010, I can assign a value through the address book, and manually typing. Submitting the page to update the record this control is tied to works as expected.
When trying to clear the value by simply deleting the text (highlight the entire text value and delete or backspace) and submitting the page, the previous value always returns. Also, if you clear the value, and click the check names button, the value will return this way as well. Clicking the name and pressing backspace or delete works as expected.
This is not a problem in IE 11, Chrome 47, or Firefox 41/38.
The PeoplePicker is dynamically created on page load as shown below:
PeopleEditor pe = new PeopleEditor();
pe.ID = dynControlID;
pe.CssClass = "pickerControl";
pe.SelectionSet = "User";
pe.MultiSelect = false;
pe.PlaceButtonsUnderEntityEditor = false;
pe.ShowEntityDisplayTextInTextBox = true;
The control is populated OnPreRender the following:
PeopleEditor pe = ((PeopleEditor)FormPlaceHolder.FindControl(item + dynamicControlSuffix));
value = new ADObjectHelper().AttributeValuesSingleString(ADProperties.DISPLAYNAME, (String)value);
catch { }
pe.CommaSeparatedAccounts = (String)value;
Is there a workaround that can be implemented?