We are trying out access services for SharePoint and noticed that it generates its own db_<guid> database in the SP database server. We were wondering if it is possible to rename the database or customize the naming convention.

1 Answer 1


Yes you can customize the naming convention.But it is not straight forward, as renaming a folder.

Below are the steps you need to follow

  1. In SharePoint 2010 Management Shell, lets say you want to rename the configuration database which is content_db_5186280F-C5FE-4495-8096-AFD73A4C524C. Create a new database by using the following command

    New-SPContentDatabase -Name SharePoint_AdminContent -WebApplication "http://sp2010-web1:20376"

  2. Retrieve the Id values assigned to the SharePoint Admin Content database By running the following command

    Get-SPWebApplication -Identity http://sp2010-web1:20376 | Get-SPContentDatabase | Select Id, Name, WebApplication | Format-List

3.Move the content from the currently existing database to the newly created database based on the ID that we got in step 2

Get-SPSite -ContentDatabase 46410944-32c4-4e01-8390-22b693f4fcc2 | Move-SPSite -DestinationDatabase 86d8e579-fbd8-473e-867d-58b974ee0267

  1. Remove the existing database by running the following command

Remove-SPContentDatabase 46410944-32c4-4e01-8390-22b693f4fcc2

  1. Verify that we got rid of the older database run the following command

    Get-SPWebApplication -Identity http://sp2010-web1:20376 | Get-SPContentDatabase | Select Id, Name, WebApplication | Format-List

Follow the article for more clarity

  • And here I thought my post was forgetten. Thank You!
    – evablack
    Commented Nov 12, 2015 at 13:00

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