I'm working on trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong with my calculation script, the server gives me an error (nothing that says what the problem is ofcourse), just that nice "Sorry, something went wrong" and Go Back to the Site". Can anyone see what I need to fix in my script? I used Notepad++ to check my brackets and ()'s and they all seem ok. The script runs fine until inserting the nested IFs (the IFs script works fine in another calculation). But, as I have multiple funding sources, I need to include the IFs!
="CFDA "&([PAZ_CFDA]&" "&**IF([FAA %]>0,"FAA "&[PAZ_FedSource_FAA]&"%",IF([FRA %]>0,"FRA "&[PAZ_FedSource_FRA]&"%",IF([FTA %]>0,"FTA "&[PAZ_FedSource_FTA]&"%",IF([FHWA %]>0,"FHWA "&[PAZ_FedSource_FHWA]&"%","OTHER "))))**"&Task Assignment: "&[PAZ_TA#]&" "&[Title]&" Date Awarded "&TEXT([DateNoticeOfAward],"MM/DD/YY")&" Not to Exceed Budget = "&TEXT([$ Technical Budget Award],"$#,###.00;($#,###.00)")&" Expended thru 06/30/2015 = "&TEXT([$ ExpendedToDate],"$#,###.00;($#,###.00)"))