I have the following questions on when/why to use these approaches:-
To create a new site column
Or to use the same site column, but modify it at the list level.
I have these business case scenarios:-
- Inside my team site I have 4 issue tracking lists. Each list have a column named “Category” of type drop down, when I first created the team site all the lists had the same choices for the “Category”. But now end users start asking that they need some lists to have different choices. So now I am thinking of allowing end users to modify the Category choices at the list level, but in this case I will no longer be able to manage the category field from the site collection level, because I cannot be sure that the Category field has not been modified at the list level.
So I have the following questions:
What is the formal or recommended approach for managing my above case? Should I from the beginning created 4 different site columns for the Category ?
Is it a bad decision to allow end users to modify the site columns at the list level, and to prevent system admins from doing any modifications to the columns at the site collection level ?
Let say I will save the tem site (which have 4 lists) as a site template. Where end users can start creating sub sites based on the template. In this case all the sub sites will be sharing the same columns at the site collection level,, but what if users need their sub sites to have unique setting for their columns ?? ,, The only approach I can think of is to modify the site columns at the list level ? or are there other approaches I am unaware of ?