I have the following table with columns:

Editor | _UIVersionString | Title | LookupNumber | Author 
  a    |    b             | Title1|   100;800    | admin

I use the following query caml

<FieldRef Name="Editor"/>
<Value Type="Text">a</Value>

<FieldRef Name="_UIVersionString"/>
<Value Type="Text">a</Value>


<FieldRef Name="Title"/>
<Value Type="Text">a</Value>
<FieldRef Name="Lookup" />
<Value Type="Lookup">a</Value>

<FieldRef Name="LookupNumber" />
<Value Type="Text">a</Value>
<Contains><FieldRef Name="Author"/>
<Value Type="Text">a</Value>


But this always throws an error! Why???????

2 Answers 2


Firstly the Query is not properly created. Editor and Author are User type fields i.e Value Type='User'. Similarly, the LookupNumber in your case seems to support multiple values, hence the type should be Value Type='LookupMulti'. This is how your query should look like:

            <FieldRef Name='Editor' />
            <Value Type='User'>a</Value>
               <FieldRef Name='_UIVersionString' />
               <Value Type='Text'>a</Value>
                  <FieldRef Name='Title' />
                  <Value Type='Text'>a</Value>
                     <FieldRef Name='LookupNumber' />
                     <Value Type='LookupMulti'>100</Value>
                     <FieldRef Name='Author' />
                     <Value Type='User'>a</Value>

Finally, you should create your quires using CAML QUery Builder. It makes working with CAML quries very easy.

  • That was helpful, but in the end I decided to do a validation on any numeric input so that any non-numeric input would not be accepted. Commented Feb 3, 2015 at 3:02

You have mentioned <FieldRef Name="Lookup" />. It should be <FieldRef Name="LookupNumber" /> looking at your columns.

Not sure whats your exact requirement but you may want to use LookupId="TRUE" and test again.

Ref: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/voyage/archive/2014/06/09/caml-queries-to-remember.aspx https://abstractspaces.wordpress.com/2008/05/05/caml-query-lookup-field-by-id-not-by-value/

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