I have a MOSS 2007 Farm running ProjectServer 2007. In parallel I have a SharePoint 2010 Foundation Farm. Now I am planning to shutdown the old MOSS 2007. Is there a way to export/move the ProjectServer 2007 Workspaces to a SharePoint 2010 Site Collection or Web Application with no Project Server 2010 installed?

There must be only the content available, browsable and search-/findable no more links to project plans or MS Project.

1 Answer 1


In Project Server 2007 you have total 5 Databases as below.

  • Project_Archive
  • Project_Draft
  • Project_Publish
  • Project_Reporting
  • WSS_Content

All your Project related information like the task, timesheet etc. are stored in first 4 Project databases and you Project Server Workspaces are stored in 5th Database i.e. WSS_Content. Its normal SharePoint Content database and can be migrated or upgraded as per SharePoint supportability.

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