I have an application page which takes some inputs for list creation. Based on these inputs, i am using JavaScript Client Object model to create a new list.
Once the list is created a notification message is displayed. Is it possible to redirect to another SharePoint page using JavaScript CSOM (after the notification is displayed) ?

Update : I tried with window.location.href and the redirection is working fine. I am wondering if the same can be done using JS CSOM.


2 Answers 2


I don't know if there is a built in function in SharePoint for detecting it, like a callback or something. But you could maybe do it with DOMNodeRemoved

PS: Browser support for that event im not sure about, you'll have to check that out if users have older browser.

function AddNotification() {
   var notifyId = SP.UI.Notify.addNotification("Message", false);

   $(document).bind("DOMNodeRemoved", function(e)
        if(e.target.id == notifyId) 
               // Add redirect script here
            alert("Removed: " + e.target.id); 



I'm not sure what you mean abut JSOM redirect, because in the end its the same it does as location.href more or less. But there is a built in "redirect" function:


It usese the STSNavigate function from sp.core.js:

function STSNavigate(Url)
    if (window.location.search.indexOf("IsDlg=1") !=-1)
        if (Url.indexOf("?") !=-1)
            if (Url.match("&$") !="&")
    if (isPortalTemplatePage(Url))

As you can see, its just does some checks, and then set window.location

  • Thanks for the help. SP.Utilities.HttpUtility.navigateTo(url); worked too. +1 for the details. :) Commented Jun 13, 2014 at 9:53

I am not sure this is relevant, but I had done something very similar. I had used SP.UI.ModalDialog. You can add options to it and can have a callback fuction that triggers whenever events occour(eg. dialog is closed). You can have the code for redirecting in this callback function.

http://www.ashokraja.me/articles/How-to-redirect-reload-or-refresh-a-page-after-closing-the-SharePoint-2013-Modal-Popup-Dialog might help

Let me know if it helps

  • Thanks. Window.location.href works. But i was wondering if there is any option available through JS CSOM ? Commented Jun 13, 2014 at 7:48
  • Is there any specific requirement, like you want to send data present in the source page to the destination link? Commented Jun 13, 2014 at 7:56

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