I have created a custom web service on the sharepoint server (2010). I wanted to update the webservice, so I added the new assenbly to my virtual bin and GAC, it didn't look like the wsdl or disco files needed changed. When I run the web service, it runs the previous version and I know the assembly files have been updated. Does anyone know what the issue could be here?
1 Answer
You probably need an iisreset
to reload the assemblies.
If you packaged your web service as a WSP file, you can use Update-SPSolution to update the WSP without retracting / re-deploying the solution. This is a technique I use often when making changes to code that needs to get re-deployed, to save the time of the full retraction / deletion / addition / deployment cycle, while still keeping SharePoint "aware" that an update has been made. It goes something like this:
update-spsolution -identity my.custom.wsp -literalpath c:\path\to\my.custom.wsp -gacdeployment
// then
// then, if it's a timer job
restart-service sptimerv4