Lately I've installed Search Server Express 2010. After configuring it, I tried to test search functionality - content was crawled, and found by the search mechanism, so it was OK. Problem occured when I went entered Topology for Search Service Application: Search Service Application(Central Administration -> Manage services on server -> SharePoint Server Search -> Modify Topology). I can do everything there, but when I click Cancel or Apply Topology Changes it throws me an error:
An unhandled exception occurred in the user interface.Exception Information: An update conflict has occurred, and you must re-try this action. The object SearchConfigWizardContext Name=8644038a-200f-4fd7-9842-57fc35aee1ca was updated by , in the w3wp (1488) process, on machine . View the tracing log for more information about the conflict.
Troubleshoot issues with Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.
Correlation ID: 3d4b97c0-3309-4e6e-aa55-c82d8bc57cdd
Does anybody had similar problem and knows what can be wrong?