Lately I've installed Search Server Express 2010. After configuring it, I tried to test search functionality - content was crawled, and found by the search mechanism, so it was OK. Problem occured when I went entered Topology for Search Service Application: Search Service Application(Central Administration -> Manage services on server -> SharePoint Server Search -> Modify Topology). I can do everything there, but when I click Cancel or Apply Topology Changes it throws me an error:

An unhandled exception occurred in the user interface.Exception Information: An update conflict has occurred, and you must re-try this action. The object SearchConfigWizardContext Name=8644038a-200f-4fd7-9842-57fc35aee1ca was updated by , in the w3wp (1488) process, on machine . View the tracing log for more information about the conflict.

Troubleshoot issues with Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.

Correlation ID: 3d4b97c0-3309-4e6e-aa55-c82d8bc57cdd

Does anybody had similar problem and knows what can be wrong?



2 Answers 2


How did you install it? You can't access the topology service unless you installed it in a farm configuration (i.e. not stand alone).

Additionally, bear in mind that you can not separate the components on the express edition, they must all reside on a single server.

  • I think he is referring to the Search Topology configuration, not the topology service.
    – SPDoctor
    Commented Aug 3, 2011 at 9:43

Whilst the Search Topology configuration is fully operational in Search Server Express, I can't think that there is too much you could usefully do with it. This is all about putting multiple crawl and query components on different servers, which isn't possible with the Express edition. I think this error message is the (none too helpful) result.

If you have it working I would leave the topology configuration alone with Search Server Express.

  • I was actually trying to convey the same thing :) Commented Aug 3, 2011 at 12:21
  • I'd give you an upvote back, except I'm out of votes today ;-)
    – SPDoctor
    Commented Aug 3, 2011 at 14:55

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