I have a multi values lookup column. I'm trying to update another column on another list from a lookup column. So let say I have values in a lookup column like so:

1;#Open 2;#Close 3;#Closed

I want to use this values to update another column that uses a lookup column. I can update if its one value e.g. 1;#Open

But when I have multiple values (e.g. the 3 of them) I get error :

Cannot convert value "Event Type" to type "System.Int32". Error: "Input string was not in a correct format."

$CMRSItems = $list.Items | where {$_['ID'] -le 5}

$CMRSItems | ForEach-Object {
$val = GetFormattedValue -val $_['Event TypeOld']
Write-Host "RefID: " $_['RefID']

$t = $val -replace ";"," "

$array = @($t)
foreach ($i in $array) {

    $c = $array.Count
    write-host $c

      $r = GetLookUpValues -val $i
      #Write-Host $r

      $documents = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLookupValueCollection($r);

      for ($i = 0; $i -lt $array.Count; $i++)

           $CMRSItems["Event Type"] = $documents[$i];




function GetFormattedValue([string]$val)
$tvalue = $val.Split("#") -match "\d{1,3}"
return $tvalue 
#-replace ";","`t"

function GetLookUpValues([string] $val)
foreach ($item in $lookupitem.GetItemById($val))

$lookupvalue = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLookupValue($item.ID,$item.Name.ToString());  

#Write-Host "lookupcol value" $lookupvalue

return $lookupvalue
  • Can you please add some extra explanation of what your code is doing, because it doesn't make much sense just reading it. Why the replacing of ";" with tabs ? Can you reduce it to just the relevant parts ? And what exactly are you trying to update with the multi value lookup column's values ? Commented Mar 11, 2014 at 7:06
  • Sorry didn't elaborate enough. As you mentioned just look at the last piece of the code.All i want to do is set/update a lookup column.I can update the column if its just one value but i can't seem to update if i need to set/update multi values. Hope this helps
    – naijacoder
    Commented Mar 11, 2014 at 12:44

2 Answers 2


There are various ways to get and set a lookup field

How to get a lookup field

Single value

$lookupfieldvalue = $i["lookupfield"] -as [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLookupValue]          

Multi value

SPFieldLookupValueCollection itemValues = item["FieldName"] as SPFieldLookupValueCollection;
foreach (SPFieldLookupValue itemValue in itemValues)
  int id = itemValue.LookupId;
  string value = itemValue.LookupValue;

How to set van value

Single value

$lookupfield = $l.Fields["lookupfield"] -as [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLookup];            
$lookuplist = $w.Lists[[Guid]$lookupfield.LookupList];            
$sourcefield =  $lookupfield.LookupField;            
$lookupitem = $lookuplist.Items[0];             


$lookupitem = $lookuplist.GetItemByUniqueId([Guid]"{fc71b84c-74d4-4f7c-9eed-fb7a5fbe24a6}")  


$lookupitem = $lookuplist.GetItemById(1)            
$lookupvalue = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLookupValue($lookupitem.ID,$lookupitem.ID.ToString());            
$i["lookupfield"] = $lookupvalue;            

Multi value

SPFieldLookupValueCollection itemValues = SPFieldLookupValueCollection();
itemValues.Add(new SPFieldLookupValue(1, "Title"));
item["FieldName"] = itemValues;

See this document for more examples on how to set and get values with PowerShell

  • Thanks Remko.Im looking for a solution for powershell for setting a column with a lookup field(multi value) as you suggested
    – naijacoder
    Commented Mar 14, 2014 at 5:34
  • Remko i tried this solution but doesn't work when i need to update multiple values.it only updates the last value.So basically it updates on a single value
    – naijacoder
    Commented Mar 17, 2014 at 11:27
  • Are you sure you are using the SPFieldLookupValue collection option? Also add the existing values before updating, because its an override of the value not an add.
    – Remko
    Commented Mar 17, 2014 at 12:50

This is how it will work. Pay attention to the # sign: not in front of the first choice but all the others.

$listItem["ColumnLookupMulti"] = "1;#Open;#2;#Close;#3;#Closed"

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