Calling the following code:

int lcid = 1033;
string termSetIds = "<termSetIds><termSetId>8a10d231-6bc6-485e-b76f-c47b0566c200</termSetId></termSetIds>";
string version = "<versions><version>1</version></versions>";
string termStoreIds = "<termStoreIds><termStoreId>1990bbd6-d149-4ae6-88e9-b51fb5e30ac8</termStoreId></termStoreIds>";
string oldtimestamp = "<timeStamps><timeStamp>633992461437070000</timeStamp></timeStamps>";
string timestamp = string.Empty;

string result = taxonomy.GetTermSets(termStoreIds, termSetIds, lcid, oldtimestamp, version, out timestamp);

throws the following exception

Server was unable to process request. ---> Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

What is wrong?

1 Answer 1


I've worked out that the problem is with the Term Store. Creating a new term store and querying it's contents works fine. Now I have to work out how to find the problem entries in the production Term Store.

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