I have created a few data connections and wish to use a dataview web part to display the information. Currently I am able to display any given table on its own.
I have a database connection table containing the field 'locID' datatype 'number(15,0)' and a second table which also contains a 'locID' datatype number(15,0). The purpose of these fileds was to create foriegn keys as it is all related data.
When I create a linked data source and use a 'join' type based on 'locID' I get a popup 'selected fields do not contain matching data'. No fields are returned
If I used 'Merge' it simply does not return anything
If I create a DVWP based on one dataconnection & add a related source I get an error 'Object moved, Object moved here'
Why won't anything connect my data, the values are good